KING bennin

Transport services & estate company ltd.

Providing solutions to the housing deficit in Ghana, student accommodation in tertiary institutions and reliable transport services.

KING BENNIN TRANSPORT SERVICES AND ESTATES COMPANY LTD. Providing solutions to the housing deficit in Ghana, student accommodation in tertiary institutions and reliable transport services. Your dream home, our priority.

The housing deficit in Ghana hovers around two million housing units. The company seeks to partner with share holders and industry players to bridge this gap.
Student accommodation is a major problem encountered by tertiary institutions throughout Ghana. The company has a vision to bring lasting solutions to this major headache
encountered throughout the country by students.
Last but not least, the company brings into the system a lot of innovation to solve the transportation problems encountered by commuters to and from their abode.
A versatile real estate developer and transport operating company was incorporated in 2012.
Our expertise is to offer decent accommodation to our clients and build modern hostel facilities for tertiary students throughout the country.


Real Estate

Luxury Apartments

Hostel Facilities

Estate Development


Car Sales & Rentals

Public Transport Services 

Private Transport Services